Soul room prayer schedule updated

It is with regret that we announce that the prayer for the souls in Soul chatroom on Wednesdays will no longer be held as of Wednesday, April 22, 2015. 

Please join the other two prayer time slots in Soul chatroom:
- Monday: 8.00 PM (Jakarta local time)
- Friday: 9.00 PM (Jakarta local time)

Thank you very much. :)


Dengan ini kami umumkan bahwa doa untuk arwah di chatroom Soul hari Kamis jam 09:00 WIB ditiadakan mulai tanggal 23 April.

Harap turut serta doa untuk arwah di chatroom Soul di hari:
- Senin 20:00 WIB
- Jumat 21:00 WIB

Terima kasih.  :)